diRtbag clean-up week
Join HoWL Earth-Day week for the annual DiRtBaG Clean-up!
Youth ages 8-19 are invited to meet after school at the Bishops Beach green Monday-Friday where they will form groups and choose a location to clean up. Snacks, gloves, safety vests and DiRtBaG t-shirts will be provided. On Saturday, we will clean up trash around Bishop's Beach. At 12:00pm we will celebrate the 2024 clean-up in the Bishop's Pavilion with provided lunch and an awards ceremony for the youth who have contributed their time and energy over the week. Youth can earn awards for picking up the most trash, getting the dirtiest, or having shown exceptional enthusiasm/commitment! If you intend to participate in DiRtBaGs, please register for free below. Registration helps HoWL prepare adequate transportation and snacks for the clean-ups. Want to help with clean-up week? We need volunteers to drive youth crews during clean-up week, as well as some enthusiastic trash-haulers and beach supervisors. You can also donate snacks for our after-school pick up days. Sign up to be a volunteer below! Email us for more information about this Homer tradition. |
How to participate in dirtbag clean-up week1. Register for a clean-up
2. Sign the 2024 DiRtBaG waiver form (youth must have a signed waiver to participate in DiRtBaGs). Click here for a printable 2024 DiRtBaG waiver form. Email the waiver to [email protected] or bring it to the event. Copies will be available at drop-off as well. 3. Consider collecting pledges for the trash you pick up. DiRtBaG participants can earn a HoWL scholarship by donating their pledge money to the DiRtBaG Scholarship fund. Pledges are often earned per bag of trash. You can download a pledge sheet here. Youth are responsible for collecting pledge money from their donors following the clean-ups. |